Monday 18 July 2016

Feild suffle and debating the future

Just a little update on Sofie.

Sofie's feet are on the road to recovery since the shoes have come off. Her feet are looking back to tidy after the last trim and she is heal landing on her right foot (but not left) on concrete. Her wall is still a bit high (after breaking off from the nail holes) so we will be using boots for riding until she has a good amount of wall to walk on so her feet don't get bruised.

We were evicted from our track - as they need that field to recover for winter grazing. It is a shame as Sofie's waistline was doing well on track life. I had yet to put down pea gravel for her so at least I haven't lost money. Now the ponies are at the back of the estate near the river on a more grassy patch. Not good for poor sof as she has to wear a muzzle and her sweat itch has flared right up. She seems to spend most of the day at the gate looking wistfully at her old field. Tonto is also loosing weight. I think he is stressing about the boys next door and won't leave Sof so neither are grazing. Boo.

Not sure what to do about turn at atm. I have been considering moving Tonto in with the boys next door and Sof into 'diet camp' with the Shetlands. But I think Tonto would find me taking Sof away just too stressful and realistically this is probably his last summer. It would be nice if he could enjoy it with his lady. Alternatively I could try and put Tonto back in with the mares, to lesson the blow of me taking Sofie away.... but then I have the issue that I don't think I would be able to lead him out of the field and they would probably hurt him as they are a bit kicky. So together with a muzzle might be the lessor of the evils. We only have 3 months of rich grass left, winter should be easier - if Tonto makes it that far. I won't be able to do much with Sofie (as Tonto has to come on hacks with us) but perhaps that is no bad thing for her ligaments.

Our plans for Rockley are not going well. Insurance company say no - and even now I have involved the financial ombudsman they are not backing down. I have two more levels of complaint to escalate it to - but if they haven't yielded yet I think they probably have a good legal case so getting money for Rockley is looking unlikely.

So in despair I contacted the nice lady in Oxford again to see if she would still be interested in Sof. She might come down in the summer holidays to come see her. I still wont do anything until the new year, but I can't help think if I can find Sof a loving home for life where she will not be required to do anything too strenuous this might be the best solution. At least this is what my head says, my heart still wants her to stay.